Search for "Italian yarns?stb_search_query=Italian yarns"
Alpaca yarns, why choose them?
Knitting or crocheting a wonderful and highly prized fiber like Alpaca wool offers unique quality characteristics!
Identical socks with REGIA PAIRFECT!
It is a real pleasure to present you the new REGIA PAIRFECT yarn by Arne & Carlos
Matera and Vasto, the two new high-quality Merino wool yarns from Laines du Nord, with different thickness ( title) and sharing the same colour chart.
The all-Italian kermesse on the shirt
1 2020-11-10
Knit Italia 2020, here's what we saw in the all-Italian kermesse on the shirt!
Refined Drops Kid-Silk, baby mohair and silk!
1 2019-11-11
Drops Kid-Silk yarn is the luxurious yarn with an exclusive mix of 75% baby mohair and 25% silk.Light as a feather and with a range of delicate and refined colors.